How to Delete a Wattpad Account? | 10 Simple Steps

Everyone is familiar with Wattpad, And some of its features. If you are not, check the article that we have summarized to delete a Wattpad Account. Recently Wattpad comes with an update where you can close your account, and in this article, we will explain how to delete a Wattpad account.

10 Steps to Delete a Wattpad Account by Website:

  1. Firstly, go to the website.
  2. Log in to your account on an official website.
  3. Tap on the user name present in the upper right corner.
  4. Now click on the Settings.
  5. Scroll till the Option Close Account appears.
  6. Tap on Close Account.
  7. Now Select the reason why you are leaving Wattpad.
  8. Give the feedback & Experience.
  9. Check the box. Yes, I am sure. Please close my account.
  10. Confirm your password and click on Close Account.

After you perform the above steps, you will automatically redirect to the website, and you should get an email about the closing of your Wattpad account. That means you have successfully learned how to delete a Wattpad Account.

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3 Steps to Delete a Wattpad Account by Command:

  1. Go to the Username o Wattpad.
  2. Then, go to the Settings Menu.
  3. Select the CloseAccount from the list.

Through these steps, you will know how to delete Wattpad Account by the given command techniques. In advance, we will provide you with more technical information about the topic.

Essential Points About Wattpad Account:

  • If you decide to close your account, i.e., you are giving up your User name, and it is available to everyone, you will not restore your account.
  • By resigning in you can reactivate your account.

5 Things losses by Deleting Wattpad Account:

Here we mention the list of things that you lose at the deletion of your Wattpad Account.

  1. Username
  3. Personal written Stories
  4. Public and Private messages
  5. I am reading lists and library.

Re-Check Wattpad Account:

If you want to cross-check that your account was deleted or not, follow the below instructions

  1. Type the address that you want to use for your username.
  2. If your account gets closed, then it will show a User not found Page.

So these are few words related to how to delete a Wattpad account and valuable information about this procedure. Suppose you are unable to close your account. It will help if you visit the help section on the official website.

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Indeed, Wattpad is the most famous story-sharing and discovery platform around the world. Especially for Seo, it is a platform where friends publish many articles. Wattpad is free, and thanks to the Wattpad, you can share your stories. Readers and writers can have a chance to meet in a standard network.

Uses of Wattpad:

You can select the category of the book you are interested in by clicking the explore section on Wattpad, and you can read it by typing the title of the text you want to read from the search section.

Method to Close Wattpad Account:

While using Wattpad, you have the option to close the account at any time. Suppose you cannot end up a closing account, be aware of the following points:

  • You can log into the account to close.
  • While closing an account is only available on the web on a regular computer.
  • You cannot close an account on the app or a mobile browser.
  • As you close the account, you are giving up the username.
  • If someone creates a statement with the same username, you will no longer restore your original account.

You can restore your account by signing in again, which will automatically re-open the account. You can learn more about Re-opening or reactivating an account. Your closed account can show Google results for several weeks afterward. Closing your Wattpad Account will result in losing access to your Libraries or reading lists, Private and public messages, Comments, Personal written works, username, etc.

Method to Close Wattpad Account Confirmation:

If you like to double-check that account has been closed.

  1. Type in the URL of the site, replacing the username with the username of the Wattpad account closed.
  2. If you have locked your account, then you should get a User not found page.

Do not sign in to your account again; that will re-open your account through self-restoration, Re-opening, or reactivating the account. Suppose you have more questions or concerns, please comment and let us know.

Hopefully, we answered how to delete a Wattpad Account through the setting or give command process. Like and share the page if you like our effort, and give your feedback to share your ideas. Thank You!

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