How to Get 100k Nightfall in Destiny 2?

Nightfall of Destiny 2 is an ultra-hard variant of the Strike in the games. Destiny 2 gamer faces unique tasks at the end of the week. There is no easy achievement for gamers. However, the rewards can merit the gamer and encourage them to boost the skill.

Rewarding the efforts is answering and satisfying gamers aside. The gamers unlock the strikes and get the challenge card every week. Consequently, the question arises that how to get 100k Nightfall to beat the Strike in Destiny 2.

Unlock Nightfall:

The Ordeal, the modifier of Destiny 2, created powerful opposition to resist. To unlock the Nightfall in Destiny 2, one needed to get a score of 100k points in the end. The way, one must earn the booty from the Boss. To beat the resistance and unlock the Nightfall, you need to know how to get 100k Nightfall.

100k Nightfall:

Getting the points in Destiny 2 is not that much harder. Point scoring may finish the Nightfall before you lose the game. Ascertain one gets the 20-minute target, the points begin to collect over time. As long as one goes that many points lose. Whenever one gets to finish the Nightfall, collected 100k points, and failed to get any booty from the Boss, one will lose. 

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Here is a way to get 100k in Destiny 2’s Nightfall

To unlock the Nightfall in destiny 2, one needed to play it with Master Difficulties or Legend.

Characteristics of Master Difficulties:

  • All modifiers, including previous
  • Deducting the regeneration of the enemies
  • Destroying makes Wells of Light
  • Master Modifiers have extra power to beat the enemy in the game
  • More shields and Master weapons provide Master Difficulties
  • Additional Champions Mode indulged in Master Difficulties

Characteristics of Legend:

  • All modifiers indulged in Legend.
  • You cannot change equipment during legend difficulties.
  • Enemy shields are repellent to the damage of the elements.
  • 950 powers.

With the increased power of Legend and Master Difficulties, one can score more than low-difficulty play. Meanwhile, it increases the problems to destroy the enemies too. 

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Weekly Strike:

The weekly Strike played to unblock the Nightfall in Destiny 2, at 380 light powers. Sticks played with all five modifiers active with the inclusion of Epic. On the weekend, the weekly NightfallStrike rotates. Reset and unlocked one reaches the 340 Light scores.


  • Win 3 points on the completion of the runs. Difficulties award higher scores.
  • Get 100k with fixed modifiers. The requirement is higher difficulty runs.

Ere entering at Nightfall, one necessitates adjusting the load out. Now check weekly modifiers. Meanwhile, make a plan with your team members on how to get 100k Nightfall of Destiny 2. 

Tips to get 100k Nightfalls in Destiny 2:

  • Make an even spread of elements among the team.
  • Lower the number of enemies and shields.
  • Pay attention to the champions.
  • Make team members Unstoppable to the barriers.
  • Keep disruption modes on, according to your need.
  • As you establish the position, drive the Master or Legend Nightfall.
  • Missing one enemy means to get below 100k points. 


Ascertain, one survived the Nightfall in Destiny 2, additional 100k points were gained. The 100k estimates above 950 light powers for further expansions. Hopefully, you understood the way how to get 100k Nightfall in Destiny 2.

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