How to unlock World Quests in BFA? | World of Warcraft

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So you are playing the latest Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft expansion, and you hit the new level cap of 120. But you don’t know how to unlock World Quests in BFA. Now what? While tons of endgame content is present to enjoy, one of the best activities you can take is BFA World Quests.

How to unlock World Quests in BFA? Simple Method:

  • Hit 50 in BFA World Quest.
  • Being part of the Alliance or Horde War Campaigns unlock all three footholds.
  • Hit the Friendly with three major Kul Tiras in Alliance or Zandalar in Horde factions, in the BFA World quest Uniting Kul Tiras or Uniting Zandalar.
  • Track the progress in the BFA Attunement Tracker.

If you already have unlocked World Quests on a 50-character before, future alternatives can talk to the respective NPCs to unlock world quests. However, you want to have at least one outpost opened on the opposite faction’s continent to access the BFA world quests.

Way to Hit level 120 in BFA:

One would not get access to World Quests in BFA from merely level to the latest cap of 120. However, that is a significant part of the requirement to unlock World Quests in BFA. Focus on it first and power the way through levels 110-120 as fast as possible in BFA.

Multitasking and earning XP while concentrating on the other criteria we are about to dig into the world. Both ways, your screen needs to have that one-two-oh staring back. So, what’s next?

Three Major Allies:

Sounds old hat to WoW veterans, but if you are a newcomer to the game, you might have heard the phrase rep farming or rep grinding.”.” That refers to the reputation, a sort of secondary experience bar for a character in BFA.


Meanwhile, the Alliance and Horde are two main factions in WoW, and they are not the only ones. So, for instance, doing quests for the Kirin Tor, a robust assembly of mages will earn your reputation with that group. With most factions, you will start at a Neutral rank.

Earning enough reputation will be brought you up to Friendly status, then Honored, Revered, and Exalted. Suppose you want to check how far you are with your rep, open the Reputation tab by default U, and learn how to unlock World Quests in BFA.

New Areas:

To learn how to unlock World Quests in BfA, you will need to reach Friendly with the three main factions associated with the new areas you will explore. That’s the Talanji’s Expedition, Zandalari Empire, and the Voldunai for the Horde. To make Alliance, it’s the Storm’s Wake, Proudmoore Admiralty, and the Order of Embers.

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Add Relatives:

You can reach Friendly relatively by doing a handful of quests in each zone of BFA. For head to Zuldazar, Zandalari Empire rep; for head to Nazmir, Talanji’s Expedition; and for the Voldunai, charge to Vol’dun.


Focus your efforts on Tiragarde Sound for the Proudmoore Admiralty; head north to Stormsong Valley for Storm’s Wake; and rep travel to Drustvar for Order of Embers.

Complete the Main Story:

If you like, you can run around the world willy-nilly, but the speedy way to reach each of the factions is to follow the BFA main story quests. Unfortunately, WoW doesn’t mark which searches are main story quests. Still, if you don’t wander off the beaten path and follow instructions, it should become apparent quickly.

Great Seal:

Horde players require to head to progress the main story to the Great Seal.

Cyrus Crestfall:

Alliance gamers should meet up with Cyrus Crestfall at the Harbormaster’s Office in Boralus for the main story progression in BFA.

Three Footholds of the War Campaign:

Battle for Azeroth’s story broke into two distinct chunks. Full of beautifully-rendered, fully voiced cut scenes, the main story tells the tale of a faction recruiting the nation of Kul Tiras Alliance or the Zandalari Empire if you are Horde. Then the War Campaign, which is a bit more basic, with no cut-scenes and relatively little voiceover, though no less time-consuming.

War Campaign:

You will get access to War Campaign quests in BFA early on, but you follow through on them up to the BAF world quest War of Shadow. After finishing the hunt, the one where you sent followers on a two-hour mission hold off on completing them until after you have reached Friendly with the factions listed in the previous section.

Suppose you are unsure about the beginning of the location, in the Port of Zandalar head Nathanos Blightcaller if you roll Alliance and if you are Horde or Mathias Shaw in Boralus Harbor.

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Ships in BFA:

To find Nathanos waiting on a ship named the Banshee’s Wail, head as far south as you can in Zuldazar. The Alliance ship carrying Mathias Shaw, Wind’s Redemption, is docked in the northeast portion of Boralus, near the Tradewind Markets.


Like completing the story of each zone content, you will need to progress by the War Campaign missions until you have established a foothold in each of the three new zones. Whatever team you play for, you are going to the other team’s base and setting up camp.

Set up the first foothold at level 110, you are second at level 114, and the third at level 118. Visit the War Campaign headquarters in the respective capital city to choose whichever you like to focus on and follow the quests in BFA you receives.

First introduced in the Legion expansion, the feature lets to complete a rotating selection of BFA quests spread over the map that rewards you with resources, booty, gold, and artifact energy to make the character strong. But you do not get access to them by hitting 120; there are a few hoops to jump through first. So how to unlock World Quests in BFA? Follow this guide, and we will show you. 

Enjoy BAF World Quests:

Once you knock out three of the above criteria, you should see BFA World Quests start populating your map. You can hover the mouse over a quest to see what you will get from it. In general, you expect artifact power that unlocks different characters on Azerite Armor, essentially granting access to miniature skill trees and reputation.

That’s important because your reputation status gates some cool gear, and you require to be on excellent terms with a new faction if you want to learn how to unlock World Quests in BFA all Allied Races. Go on, get there and enjoy World Quests of BFA!

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