How to make life in Little Alchemy & Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy facilitates users the set of games for Android, iPhone, and Desktop computers. In this game, the users combine two substances to create a new compound. This guide will interestingly teach you how to make life in Little AlchemyThere are two methods to make life in Little Alchemy.

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The first method on how to make life in Little Alchemy

  1. Drag and place air onto the playing area. The air icon is present at the top right of the menu in Little Alchemy.
  2. Drag and place fire onto the air icon. The way elements get to combine and energy created. The equation represents the theory of em=c2. The air helps the fire to burn, due to burning the energy releases.
  3. Place the energy icon in the playing area. You might need it in the future. For a while, leave it alone in the playing area.
  4. Now, place the water icon on the board, then drag and place the earth onto it. Though, create the mud icon. The mud becomes the more fertile place to give birth when watered. The moist soil represents the mud in the Little Alchemy.
  5. Keep the mud icon and energy icon alone on the playing area for future use.
  6. Drag and place the water icon onto the air icon on the playing area. Now create the rain icon. When water heat-up, raise into the air. When these vapours cool fall to the earth in the formation of the rain.
  7. Add the rain icon into the earth icon to make the plant on the playing area of Little Alchemy. The rainfall onto the earth provides fertile grounds for the plants to grow faster and bigger.
  8. At this point, you get the mud, plant, and energy on the board and inventory.
  9. Add plant icon to the mud icon. The way you will create the swamp icon. When plants get highly moist soil, they grow swampy.
  10. As you combine, swamp icon with the energy icon to get the life icon in Little Alchemy. In the highly moist soil, life starts when energy becomes a part of it.

Here is the simple way to learn how to make life in Little Alchemyoriginal. The standards of the Little Alchemy 2 are a little weird. Here we express the way how to make life in Little Alchemy2.

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The second method on how to make life in Little Alchemy 2

  1. Drag and place the fire icon onto the playing area. The flame-shaped icon locates on the right menu of Little Alchemy 2.
  2. Add the earth icon to the fire icon and create lava on the playing area. When the earth got to fire, it produces lava from the mouth of the volcano.
  3. In Little Alchemy 2, tap the screen when new compound format. The announcement is mandatory to get rid of the useless information about the compound pop-up window.
  4. Now, add the earth icon to the lava icon. The way users create the volcano icon. When it is about more earth and lava, the guess is truly a volcano.
  5. Combine the water icon into another water icon. Adding one water icon to another water icon makes a puddle. Ascertain, you want to get an excessive amount of water. Adds water into the water to make a puddle.
  6. Add one puddle icon to another puddle to get the pond in Little Alchemy. Add more resources of water to get an excessive amount of water.
  7. Now add one pond to the other pond. Bring a lake icon to the playing area and inventory of the Little Alchemy. More water brings resources of water like a lake.
  8. As one adds a lake icon to the other lake icon gets the sea. Create a sea. For that, add two lake icons to make the sea. The excessive amount of water makes the bank of a lake or sea-shore.
  9. Add an earth icon to the sea icon. The way you will get a primordial soup. The primordial soup is the key-component of life.
  10. Add a volcano icon to the primordial soup icon. The way one can end the assembly process of life. The DNA-shaped life icon will appear on the screen of your device. The gradually reducing temperature played the role, to get life on the earth.

Here we explained the second method to learn how to make life in Little Alchemy 2. Few interesting combinations and possible hints we are explaining further. Stay with us and enjoy.

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 20 Possible Combinations in Little Alchemy:

  1. If you add life to the air, get the bird.
  2. If you add life to the armour, get the robot.
  3. If you add life to the clay, get the golem.
  4. If you add life to the corpse, get the Zombie.
  5. If you add life to the double rainbow, get the unicorn.
  6. If you add life to the dough, get the gingerbread man.
  7. If you add life to the earth, get the Human.
  8. If you add life to the farmer, get the livestock.
  9. If you add life to the forest, get the wild animal.
  10. If you add life to the metal, get the robot.
  11. If you add life to the ocean, get the Plankton.
  12. If you add life to the rainbow, get the unicorn.
  13. If you add life to the sea, get the Plankton.
  14. If you add life to space, get the alien.
  15. If you add life to the sky, get the bird.
  16. If you add life to the steel, get the robot.
  17. If you add life to the stone, get the egg.
  18. If you add life to the swamp, get the bacteria.
  19. If you add life to the water, get the Plankton.
  20. If you add life to the wood, get the Pinocchio.

To aware our viewers, we provided the possible combinations and making hints. After explaining the methods, we explained how to make life in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2. Here, we demonstrate the possible matches for your information.

Also Read this: How to Make a Fruit in Little Alchemy? | 13 Simple Steps

Secondary Way:

9 easy Steps to Make Life in Little Alchemy

  1. Add air to the fire and get the energy.
  2. Add earth to the water and get the mud.
  3. Add air to the water and get the rain.
  4. Add earth to the rain and get the plant.
  5. Add mud to the plant and get the swamp.
  6. Add energy to the swamp and get a life.
  7. Add earth to live and get the Human.
  8. Add Human to the Human and get the love.
  9. Add time to love and get a life.

By following the above instructions, you will get the life icon again in a different manner. And know better how to make life in Little Alchemy.

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